- 2023-2026
- Updated Self Certification - Administrative Modification (08/17/2022)
- Appendix B - FY 23-26 TIP Performance Measures Analysis - Administrative Modification (10/19/2022)
- Revision 1 (10/19/2022)
- Revision 2 (01/18/2023)
- Safety Performance Targets Update (01/18/2023)
- Targets for Pavement and Bridge Performance Measures (PM2) Update (06/21/2023)
- Targets for System Performance Measures (PM3) Update (06/21/2023)
- Revision 3 (07/19/2023)
- Appendix B - FY 23-26 TIP Performance Measures Analysis - Administrative Modification (07/20/2023)
- FY 2022 Annual Listing of Obligated Projects (APL) Update (08/17/2023)
- Revision 4 (01/17-2024)
- Appendix B - FY 23-26 TIP Performance Measures Analysis - Administrative Modification (01/17/2024)
- Appendix B - FY 23-26 TIP Performance Measures Analysis - (PM1) Update (02/21/2024)