The MTP is a 25 year, long range plan and the basic framework for all the MPO’s transportation planning. The MTP is a guide used to plan future mobility needs in the MPO study area and the expenditure of federal, state, and local funds that become available for these projects.

The TIP is a three year financially constrained list of transportation projects that have been approved for federal and state funding by the MPO Transportation Policy Board and is updated every two years and amended quarterly. The current TIP covers FY 2023 to FY2026 projects that will let over the next three years.

The UPWP outlines the MPO’s work products for the State Fiscal Year (Oct 1 – Sept 30). The UPWP identifies tasks which are to be accomplished during the fiscal year and presents the budget to accomplish those tasks. The MPO’s UPWP can therefore be viewed as the MPO operating budget for the given fiscal year.

Provides information on the public involvement process and requirements adhered to by the MPO.

A Congestion Management Process (CMP) is a systematic and regionally accepted approach for managing congestion. It provides accurate, up-to-date information on transportation system performance and assesses alterative strategies for congestion management that meet state and local needs.

The Active Transportation Plan is a collaborative effort undertaken by the Laredo-Webb County Area Metropolitan Organization (LWCAMPO) in conjunction with the City of Laredo, to create and develop connectivity between bicycle, pedestrian, and transit networks.

A primary objective of the Laredo & Webb County Active Transportation Plan is to enhance mobility in the region by providing safe, accessible, and alternate modes of transportation for the future of Laredo and Webb County residents. 

Click below to view various documents, studies, and publications relating to the Laredo & Webb County Area MPO.

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