Glossary of Transportation Acronyms
- A - F
- G - L
- M - Q
- R - Z
Abbreviation / Acronym | Definition |
3-C | Continuing, Cooperative, and Comprehensive Planning Process |
AASHTO | American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials |
ACS | American Community Survey |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 |
ADATS | Air Traffic Data System |
ADT | Average Daily Traffic |
AFA | Advanced Federal Agreement |
AGIS | Airport Geographic Information System |
AIP | Airport Improvement Program |
APA | American Planning Association |
APL | Annual Listing of Obligated Projects |
APT | Annual Passenger Trips |
ARF | Area Resource File System |
ATC | Active Transportation Committee |
ATI | Associated Transit Improvement |
ATP | Active Transportation Plan |
ATR | Automated Traffic Recorders |
AVL | Automatic Vehicle Identification |
BFB | Bicycle Friendly Business |
BHC | United States-Mexico Border Health Commission |
BLS | United States Bureau of Labor Statistics |
BRFSS | Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System |
BRT | Bus Rapid Transit |
BTMP | Border Transportation Master Plan |
BUILD | Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development Transportation Discretionary Grants |
CAA | Clean Air Act CFR Code of Federal Regulations |
CAMPO | Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization |
CAT | TxDOT Funding Category Type |
CBP | US Customs & Border Protection Agency |
CCTV | Closed Circuit Television |
CDA | Comprehensive Development Agreement |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention |
CDS | Congestion & Delay Study |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CI | Congestion Index |
CIP | Capital Improvement Plan |
CMAQ | Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Improvement |
CMP | Congestion Management Process |
CNG | Compressed Natural Gas |
CNT | Center for Neighborhood Technology |
COA | Comprehensive Operational Analysis of El Metro |
CRFCs | Critical Rural Freight Corridors |
CRIS | Crash Record Information System |
CSJ | Control Section Job Number |
CSS/D | Context Sensitive Solutions and Design |
CUFCs | Critical Urban Freight Corridors |
CVB | Laredo Convention & Visitor’s Bureau |
DA | UTP Develop Authority |
dB | Decibel |
DMS | Dynamic Message Signs |
DNR | Digital Noise Reduction |
DOD | United States Department of Defense |
DOT | State Department of Transportation |
DVAS | Digital Video Audit System |
DVMT | Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled |
E+C | Existing & Committed Transportation Network |
EA | Environmental Assessment |
EDC | Economically Disadvantaged Counties |
EIS | Environmental Impact Statement |
EJ | Environmental Justice |
EMAS | Engineering Materials Arresting System |
EO | Executive Order |
EPA | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
ESRI | Environmental Systems Research Institute |
FAA | Federal Aviation Association |
FAF4 | Freight Analysis Framework Version 4 |
FARS | Fatality Analysis Reporting System |
FAST Act | Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act |
FEIS | Final Environmental Impact Statement |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FHWA | Federal Highway Administration |
FIS | Federal Inspection Station |
FLHP | Federal Land Highway Program |
FLMA | Federal Land Management Agency |
FLTTP | Federal Lands & Tribal Transportation Program |
FM | Farm-to-Market Road |
FMCSA | Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration |
FONSI | Finding of No Significant Impact |
FRA | Federal Railroad Administration |
FTA | Federal Transit Administration |
FTZ | Foreign Trade Zone |
FY | Fiscal Year |
Abbreviation / Acronym | Definition |
GIS | Geographic Information Systems |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GSA | General Service Administration |
H+T | Housing & Transportation Affordability Index |
HAR | Highway Advisory Radio |
HAZMAT | Hazardous Materials |
HB | Texas House Bill |
HBP | Highway Bridge Program |
HCM | Highway Capacity Manual |
HEAL | Healthy Active Living |
HHS | US Department of Health & Human Resources |
HOT | High Occupancy Toll |
HOV | High-Occupancy Vehicle |
HSIP | Highway Safety Improvement Program |
HSM | Highway Safety Manual |
I/M | Inspection and Maintenance |
IFR | Instrument Flight Rule |
IH | Interstate Highway |
IH | Interstate Highway |
IIJA | Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), aka Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) |
ILS | Instrument Landing System |
INFRA | Infrastructure for Rebuilding America Discretionary Grant Program |
IRI | International Roughness Index |
ISTEA | The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 |
ITS | Intelligent Transportation Systems |
IVHS | Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems |
KCS | Kansas City Southern Railroad |
LC | Laredo College |
LEP | Limited English Proficiency |
LEPP | Limited English Proficiency Plan |
LMPO | Laredo Metropolitan Planning Organization (Former) |
LOS | Level of Service Measures |
LOTTR | Level of Travel Time Reliability |
LRD | Laredo International Airport |
LRSTP | Long-Range Statewide Transportation Plan |
LRTP | Long-Range Transportation Plan |
LTMI | Laredo Transit Management Incorporated |
LTT | Laredo Trade Tag |
LUTS | Laredo Urban Transportation Study |
LWCAMPO | Laredo & Webb County Area Metropolitan Planning Organization |
Abbreviation / Acronym | Definition |
M&O | Management and Operations |
MAB | Metropolitan Area Boundary |
MAC | Median Access Control |
MAP-21 | Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement |
MOE | Measures of Effectiveness |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MPA | Metropolitan Planning Area |
MPO | Metropolitan Planning Organization |
MPRS | Multi-Protocol Reader System |
MSA | Metropolitan Statistical Area |
MTP | Metropolitan Transportation Plan |
NAAQS | National Ambient Air Quality Standards |
NACTO | National Association of City Transportation Officials |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement |
NAR | National Association of Realtors |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NB | Northbound |
NBFR | Northbound Frontage Road |
NBI | National Bridge Inventory |
NCTCOG | North Texas Council of Governments |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act |
NHFN | National Highway Freight Network |
NHFP | National Highway Freight Program |
NHPA | National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 |
NHPP | National Highway Performance Program |
NHS | Non-Interstate Highway |
NHTS | National Household Travel Survey |
NHTSA | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration |
NMFN | National Multimodal Freight Network |
NOCoE | National Operations Center for Excellence |
NOFO | Notice of Funding Opportunity |
NPRM | National Performance Rule Making |
NRHP | National Register of Historic Places |
NSIH | National System of Interstate Highways |
NSP | National Transportation Safety Plan |
NTD | National Transit Database |
O&M | Highway and Transportation and Maintenance |
OHV | Off-Highway Vehicle |
PA | UTP Plan Authority |
PBPP | Performance-based Planning and Programming |
PE | Preliminary Engineering |
PEAs | Planning & Emphasis Areas |
PEL | Planning & Environmental Linkages |
PHFS | Primary Highway Freight System |
PIP | Public Involvement Plan (TxDOT) |
PIP | Public Involvement Process (MPO) |
PL | Metropolitan Planning Funds |
PM | Particulate Matter |
PMIS | Pavement Management & Information System |
PMs | Performance Measures |
PMT | Passenger Miles Traveled |
POE | Port of Entry |
POV | Privately Owned Vehicles |
PPM | Parts Per Million |
PPP | Public Participation Plan |
PS&E | Plans, Specifications, & Estimates |
PSR | Present Serviceability Rating |
PTASP | Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan |
PWP / EMP | Participation Waived Project / Equivalent Match Project |
Abbreviation / Acronym | Definition |
RD&T | Research, Development, and Technology Transfer |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RGISC | Rio Grande International Study Center |
RHiNo | Roadway-Highway Inventory |
RMA | Regional Mobility Authority |
RMOC | Regional Models of Cooperation |
ROD | Record of Decision |
ROW | Right-of-Way |
RRTDs | Rural Rail Transportation Districts |
RTP | Recreational Trails Program |
RTP | Recreational Trails Program |
RTPO | Regional Transportation Planning Organization |
RTZ | Road to Zero Program |
SAFETEA-LU | The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation, Equity Act: A Legacy for Users |
SB | Southbound |
SDHPTT | State Department of Highways & Public Transportation |
SFHA | Special Flood Hazard Areas |
SGR | State of Good Repair |
SH | State Highway |
SHSP | Strategic Highway Safety Plan |
SIB | State Infrastructure Bank |
SIP | State Implementation Plan |
SL | State Loop |
SLRTP | Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan |
SMP | Statewide Mobility Program |
SMS | Safety Management System |
SOV | Single Occupancy Vehicle |
SPP | Statewide Preservation Program |
SPPP | Stakeholder and Public Participation Plan (TxDOT) |
SPR | State Planning and Research |
SPR | Statewide Planning Research |
SPT | Safety Performance Targets |
SRATIS | South Texas Regional Advanced Transportation Information System |
SRTS | Safe Routes to School Program |
STBG | Surface Transportation Block Grant Program |
STBG | Surface Transportation Program |
STDC | South Texas Development Council |
STIP | Statewide Transportation Improvement Program |
STP | Surface Transportation Program |
STRAHNET | Strategic Highway Network |
SWMP | Stormwater Management Plan |
TA | Transportation Alternatives Program |
TAC | Texas Advisory Committee |
TAC | Texas Administrative Code |
TAF | Terminal Area Forecast |
TAM | Transit Asset Management |
TAM | Transportation Asset Management |
TAMIU | Texas A&M International University |
TAMP | Transportation Asset Management Plan |
TAP | Transportation Alternatives Program |
TAZ | Traffic Analysis Zone |
TCM | Transportation Control Measure |
TDM | Transportation Demand Management |
TDM | Travel Demand Model |
TDM | Travel Demand Management |
TDP | Transit Development Plan |
TEA-21 | The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century |
TERM | The FTA ‘s Transit Economic Requirements Model |
TERM | Transit Economic Requirements Model |
TFM | Travel Forecasting Model |
TIFIA | Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (loans) |
TIP | Transportation Improvement Program |
TIRZ | Tax Increment Reinvesting Zone |
Title VI | Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act |
TMA | Transportation Management Area |
TMC | City of Laredo Transportation Management Center |
TMIP | Travel Model Improvement Program |
TOD | Transit Oriented Development |
TOMA | Texas Open Meetings Act |
TPCB | Transportation Planning Capacity Building |
TPF | Transportation Planning Funds |
TPM | Transportation Performance Management |
TPP | TxDOT Transportation Planning & Programming |
TRENDS | Transportation Revenue Estimator & Needs Determination System |
TSAR | Transportation Statistics Annual Report |
TSLAC | Texas State Library & Archives Commission |
TSM | Transportation System Management |
TSMO | Transportation Systems Management and Operations |
TTC | Texas Transportation Committee |
TTI | Texas A&M Transportation Institute |
TTP | Texas Transportation Plan |
TTR | Travel Time Reliability |
TTTR | Truck Travel Time Reliability Index |
TxDOT | Texas Department of Transportation |
UAB | Urbanized Area Boundary |
ULB | Universal Life Benchmark |
ULB | Usable Life Benchmark |
ULI | Urban Land Institute |
UP | Union Pacific Railroad |
UPWP | Unified Planning Work Program |
USC / U.S.C. | United States Code |
USDOT | U.S. Department of Transportation |
USMCA | United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement |
UTP | Unified Transportation Program |
UZA | Urbanized Area |
V/C | Volume to Capacity Ratio |
VFR | Visual Flight Rule |
VIVIDS | Video Image Vehicle Detection System |
VMT | Vehicle Miles Traveled |
VOR | Value of Reliability |
VOT | Value of Travel Time |
VPI | Virtual Public Involvement |
VRH | Vehicle Revenue Hours |
VRM | Vehicle Revenue Miles |
WARN | Wireless Advisory Railroad Network |
WBFR | Westbound Frontage Road |
WCCLRMA | Webb County-City of Laredo Regional Mobility Authority |
WCDD | Walkable Comprehensive Developmental District |
YOE | Year of Expenditure |